Info Session
“Digital Collaboration
in the building process”
Monday, April 1st from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm
Monday, April 1st from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm
The road to standardisation for BIM is open and offers opportunities.
Impossible? BIM possible!
Thanks to the Techbim initiative, as well as the joined of forces of ThorbiQ, Witas and other partners, digital collaboration in the sector is possible more than ever!
Find out everything during the information session on Monday afternoon April 1st (no joke!) and discover how an optimal collaboration between the multiple actors in the building process looks like!
During a first info session in December we already got a very clear picture of the needs of a design office, through the eyes of Pieter-Jan Roels of VK Architects & Engineers. From the manufacturers Grada and Interalu we could learn how they are already responding to these needs offering and adequate digital (BIM) service to the sector.
The dynamics between the various parties that arose during this session, each with their own specific interests, encouraged us to join forces with ThorbiQ and Witas and to bring together an even more diverse group of actors during an undoubtedly very interesting afternoon in which inspiring speakers take the floor.
During this information session you will learn about the different perspectives that our speakers will bring to you. After all, in a world of digital transformation it is very important to know the different needs in the digital building process. What we see among other things, is that manufacturers have become very aware of the opportunities in the digital landscape as well as the need to take steps, but we notice that high costs are associated with inadequate implementations. On the other hand, we still notice far too often that parties are too much island-minded. BIM is cooperation, right? Together we can shift our mindset and bring change!
During this info session, you’ll find out what the other actors in the process expect from you and how you can meet this with the right plan of action!
Do not miss this opportunity, we’d love to welcome you!
During this information session, a number of inspiring speakers will take the floor, with the goal you and make you aware of the challenges, but also the great opportunities coming with them!
Initially, the needs of the market will be pointed out by Elke Pasquet from Witas and Benjamin Maes from Macobo-Stabo. Then, the importance of standardisation and open digital ecosystems will be explained, together with the presentation of Techbim, by Kris Van Dingenen from Techlink. As manufacturers, Jeff Stubbe of Grada and Robby Hagelsteens of Jaga will introduce their digital solutions, powered by ThorbiQ. Last but not least, Roel Vandenbulcke of Hysopt will present his vision on the power of digital collaboration.
Benjamin Maes, BIM Coordinator at Macobo-Stabo
The needs of different actors in the value chain are different. Benjamin will explain what the needs are for a multidisciplinary design office and how the cooperation with other actors can run optimally.
Jeff Stubbe, R&D Manager at Grada
Grada is taking great steps in digitisation and has a strong vision about the future in which service, reliability of data and collaboration are key.
Robby Hagelsteens, Controlling Manager at Jaga
Learn more about the possibilities of Hysopt and Roel’s vision on the power of digital collaboration, which is made possible by a digital ecosystem.
Roel Vandenbulcke, Founder & CTO at Hysopt
Learn more about the possibilities of Hysopt and Roel’s vision on the power of digital collaboration, which is made possible with a digital ecosystem.
We expect you from 13:30 on in the Groothof Bedrijvencentrum in Lokeren:
Oosteindestraat 15
9160 Lokeren
The location has a large parking.
From Antwerp:
From Ghent
ThorbiQ makes it easy for manufacturers to deliver their products as BIM objects and for users to take full advantage of this. We take away the hassle and make sure users are provided with the latest version of every product. Convinced? We are happy to help you.